G-Force is an advance weapon that allows the user to control his/her target be it an avatar or a physical object with a click of a button.
We Have included a G-Force HUD and an attachment in the G-force 2.0, as well as a very cool Push feature.
The hud enables you to use the G-force without the effects emitting when used.
In G-force 2.0 your avatar will appear as if you are gathering your powers to enable you to control your target.
If your Target is closer than 10 meters (approx.) you can target his/her/its head, this will trigger a massive push that can send your target upto 3 sims or more away,(because of the nature of this attack the push may vary) in some rare cases it might even crash your target! Another great feature that has been in testing is now offically released in G-Force 2.0 is the ability to push the target that you have under your control by pressing "C" or "page down". This will trigger a push similar to the one explained above( launch your target upto 3 sims away from you at a blink of an eye) but without your target having to be closer than 10 meters of your avatar.