The Stalker was very well tested to react swiftly and maintain a user friendly interface under extreme lag. This is version 1.0.1. There will be updates with no extra charge for additional features and enhancements if /when needed.
- Stalk : Launch the Stalker drone on your target, then go anywhere in the grid and still hear your target or anyone within range of your target.
- If you decide to join the conversation at anytime yet maintaining your cover, start sending chat on channel 123 example (/123 Hi, do you know who I am?) whatever you type on the stalkers channel you will be heard by your target and whoever is around him/her wherever you are in the grid.
- If you choose to talk to your target as someone else, change the name of the drone and start talking .(/123 name Michael Jackson) If you don’t change the name of the drone it will talk to your target as Stalker by default.
- Idle mode: was created to be used in a fixed position and will continue to send what it hears to your email if you were offline.
Channel: the channel used to communicate with the Hud or the drone can be changed to any channel you wish.
minus : Minimize the hud
Plus : Maximize the hud
Help : drop down help menu.
Stop: will stop the drone and remove it from the Grid from anywhere, whatever mode it is in.
The cool sounds contained in the hud where created and edited using professional hardware and software .Thanks again for your interest and we look forward for your purchase.